Real-Time Monitoring of individual Spots on the Nano-Plotter:

Piezoelectric drop-on-demand GeSiM pipets deposit hundreds of identical spots onto arbitrary targets with a single aspiration. However, physical limits apply to the range of liquids, and the reliability of the process deteriorates when approaching these limits.

Each Nano-Plotter comes with a stroboscopic test of function of each pipet, executed immediately before and after the spotting process for each sample species.

The extension of the camera check for monitoring of each individual spot on the targets is of interest with regard to regulatory requirements and for the management of “difficult” samples.

GeSiM now launches the real-time monitoring of individual spots, including automatic error correction. The new spot detection is based on a backlit object tray in combination with a powerful camera.

The software recognizes the liquid drop before it becomes a dry spot. This system is not limited to find individual spots, artefacts like satellite drops can be detected to a certain extent as well. Smallest drops (Pico-Tip) will be found reliably. Nature and composition of the liquid sample doesn’t matter.

The real-time spot detection currently requires optical transparent targets, e.g., glass slides, plastic chips, NC-membranes or slides with NC-pads on top.

The upgrade of your Nano-Plotter is possible, please contact your local GeSiM service. If not available, please contact GeSiM.


Real-time spot detection of a single spot on a glass slide

Real-time spot detection of a single spot on a glass slide